Windows Serial Number Lookup
Use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) command-line utility (WMIC.EXE) to identify the serial number, version, and other information about a. All serial numbers are genuine and you can find more results in our database for Windows Determining your computers Host ID/MAC Address/Disk Serial Number. Windows The Disk Serial Number can be found by first opening a Command Prompt from the Start.Windows 7 Ultimate Serial Numbers, Windows-7 32-bit Serial Key Free, Windows 7 Genuine. Feb 14, 2017 How to find computer serial number. Windows Vista Enterprise Windows Vista Business Windows Vista Ultimate Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2. The following article will help you to find the computer serial number. Tips Please use one the method bellow to retrieve the. Now search the registry for the software in question and keep hitting F3 until the serial numbers shows up in the data column. Alternatively, if you’re only looking for your Windows product key, you can let a script do the hard work for you. Jan 02, 2016 Reinstalling Windows 10 with Product ID/Serial Number I purchased a Surface Pro 4 that already has a copy of Windows 10. If I would like to reinstall Windows 10 on this device can I use the Product ID / Serial Number found in System > About or is it only good for this first install. Get your laptop or pc serial number or product id easily Click here for more detail.
Whether you need to update drivers, check hardware compatibility, or you’re just curious, it’s way easier to check your motherboard model number with these simple tricks than to crack open your case to check the board itself. Here’s how to check your motherboard model number from the comfort of your keyboard.
Why Do I Want To Do This?
Knowing your motherboard’s model number is important if you’re thinking of upgrading your drivers, buying new hardware (you’ll need the proper expansion or memory slots, for example), or just checking the capabilities of your board if you’re considering upgrading your whole rig.
If you are using a Windows-based machine, you can find the serial number with a simple command. Hold the Windows Key and Press R. In the run dialog, type cmd and click OK.
If you kept the paperwork that came with your computer (or the individual components, if you built it yourself), you can often times reference that. Even then, it’s best to check to make sure the documentation is correct. Rather than open the case and search for the model number on the board itself, use tools within Windows to check things out instead.
Check Your Model Number from the Command Prompt (or PowerShell)
If you’re comfortable using the Command Prompt (or PowerShell, where these commands also work), you can easily check a variety of motherboard and hardware stats using the handy Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC)—a command-line interface for Microsoft’s powerful WMI tool.
With the WMIC, you can entry the query baseboard
to check motherboard stats, and then use additional modifiers like get Manufacturer, Model, Name, PartNumber, slotlayout, serialnumber, or poweredon
to get more detailed information about the motherboard.
As an example, let’s check a motherboard’s manufacturer, model number, and serial number using WMIC.
Open up the command prompt in Windows via either the run dialog (Windows+R) or by searching for “cmd” on the Start menu—no need to run the Command Prompt as an administrator. And, as we mentioned, you could also use PowerShell here, if you prefer. The command works the same in both shells. At the command line, type the following text (noting that there are no spaces between the modifiers—just commas), and then hit Enter:
The information returned checks out for the motherboard we’re using: the manufacturer is Gigabyte, the board is the Z170X-Gaming 7, and while the WMIC tool tried to check the serial number, Gigabyte left that particular bit unfilled for whatever reason. Nonetheless, the WMIC tool functioned just as it should, and without opening the case or using any third party tools, we have the basic information we’re looking for.
Check Your Model Number with Speccy
If you’d prefer a GUI-based way to check your motherboard’s model number (as well as a method that yields more information at a glance than the WMIC tool), you can grab the free tool Speccy. It’s a handy app to have around.
After downloading and installing Speccy, go ahead and fire it up.
You can see the motherboard model number right on the summary page, along with it’s current operating temperature (assuming your board includes that). You can also see basic details about other system components.
Click over to the “Motherboard” tab on the left to see even more information about your motherboard, including details about the chipset and voltages, along with the types of slots included on the board and whether or not they’re currently in use.
This tutorial will show you how to find the manufacturer serial number of hard drives (HHD and SSD) in Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.
- Option One: To Find Serial Number of Hard Drive on Manufacturing Label
- Option Two: To Find Serial Number of Hard Drives in Command Prompt
- Option Three: To Find Serial Number of Hard Drives in PowerShell
What Is My Windows 10 Serial Number
1. Look for the serial number on the label on top of the physical hard drive. (see screenshot below)
Windows Surface Serial Number Lookup
Open a command prompt.
2. Enter the command below into the command prompt, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
3. You will now see the model, name, and serial number listed for your hard drives.
1. Open PowerShell.
2. Enter the command below into PowerShell, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

Get-WMIObject win32_physicalmedia | Format-List Tag,SerialNumber
Hp Serial Number Lookup Windows 10
3. You will now see the tag (name) and serial number listed for your hard drives.
Microsoft Windows Serial Number Lookup
That's it,