Dolphin Gamecube Controller Driver Not Detected

  1. Gamecube Controller Driver For Pc
  2. Driver For Gamecube Controller Adapter
  3. Dolphin Gamecube Controller Driver Not Detected Windows 7
  4. Dolphin Gamecube Controller Driver Not Detected Download

For further information, I keep getting DRIVER NOT DETECTED in Dolphin. Everytime I delete the drivers, and open Zadig (like the wiki tells me) the native driver should be Hid USB, and to convert it to WinUSB, but the native drive still shows as WinUSB, even though I deleted the GC adapter drivers from my PC. Using the Mayflash GameCube to USB adapter. All buttons work except the C-Stick? I have tried calibrating the controls via the Windows USB Game Controller setup, but it does not work (using Windows 8 64-bit by the way). What can I do to fix this? If you're using the adapter in, for example dolphin, you don't need JoyToKey. That is, the. Thanks to a reverse-engineering effort on Nintendo's GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U, Dolphin can directly use it to interface with GameCube controllers! By using a specialized driver, users can just plug in the adapter, plug in controllers and go. Wii U GCN USB Driver. Fixed a bug that prevented some inputs from being detected by vjoy. Windows Wii U Gamecube USB driver version 3 is now live! Best Answer: Im not 100% sure if dolphin supports Xinput or not. First, open dolphin and go to the gcpad option. (make sure the controller is plugged in and recognized by windows BEFORE you open dolphin) Click on the drop down menu where it says device. (top left area) It should show your controller in that.

I got a Mayflash 'GC Controller Adapter for PC USB'. I plugged the GC controller into Port 1 on the Mayflash adapter (it's a dual-port) and plugged the adapter into the USB on my computer. I noticed that programs on my computer weren't really recognizing my controller that was hooked in, so I got a free program called 'JoyToKey' that accepts inputs from a controller and sets the input to a certain key on the keyboard. JoyToKey works perfectly with the controller, but the only command that does not function properly is the C-Stick. If I program a key, say the letter 'U' for example, to Left on the C-Stick, it seems to register all along the top of the C-Stick, but not the left. In other words, if I push the C-Stick up-left, up, up-right, or right, JoyToKey registers the input, even though I set it to only register when I push the C-Stick left.

I have tried calibrating the controls via the Windows USB Game Controller setup, but it does not work (using Windows 8 64-bit by the way). What can I do to fix this? If you need any more details or examples, I will post them, just let me know what you need. Thanks for your help!

UPDATE: I don't have a way of truly knowing if the issue is JoyToKey or just Windows, but in the Windows USB controller setup, the C-Stick corresponds to the Z-Axis, and it seems to be working okay. If I can find out how the Z-Axis is supposed to register then I might be able to fix the problem.


2 Answers

Gamecube Controller Driver For Pc

If it looks OK in the windows game controller control panel, Joy2Key is the issue.

Try using xPadder instead, it is far superior to Joy2Key. There is a free version linked in this question: How can I emulate keyboard and mouse commands with a game controller?

Also if it's this adapter, it says something about changig the function of the stick by holding start and A for 3 seconds:


I see an 'emulation' tag in your question, if you're using the adapter in, for example dolphin, you don't need JoyToKey. That is, the controller should be recognized by any program that is able to recognize a common controller. JoyToKey is made for general control of the OS, and past versions of the tool had issues with right sticks. I believe newer versions fixed this.


Driver For Gamecube Controller Adapter

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Dolphin Gamecube Controller Driver Not Detected Windows 7


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Dolphin Gamecube Controller Driver Not Detected Download

Hello guys
I have a slight problem with the gamecube to usb adapter from mayflash (this one:ür-USB/dp/B0089NVTDM)
I got it to run in Dolphin, c and analog stick work perfectly smooth. My only problem was the R and L trigger, they couldnt be set to analoge properly. It was either always pressed down completely or just taped, because i couldnt find the right binding.
So i made a bit of search around and saw how the menu for the controllers should look (like this:, while mine seems different (like this:, so i figured it had to be a driver issue. I then downloaded the software from the original website (, i tried the PC051 and the W012) and installed it. Nothing changed, but it said it was installed (if i tried again it told me it is installed and if i want to uninstall, tried that like 5 times, nothing changed)
My final conclusion was, that either my system is blocking it from installing the drivers properly or it just dont want to change the drivers for whatever reasons. Then i wanted to know what the installation even does and searched in my windows folder for changes: The PC051-file, which also comes with the device itself, only puts five files in a folder called 'usb_vibration' in the windows folder, nothing else. 4 dlls and an executable which doesnt help.
So all of this together gets me to the conclusion that im missing the proper driver and it doesnt recognise my gc-controller as a gc-controller but as some sort of gamepad. If anyone has a solution or advice he could give me, id be really happy.
My system is a windows 7 64 bit.
EDIT: I also dont have the 'SDL/0/usb gamepad' and 'SDL/1/usb gamepad' in the dropdown menu in dolphin